Guru Light Catapult
The Light 'Pult retains many of the innovative features of the original Guru Pult, including the five-point elastic pegging system, which allows you to adjust the tension of the elastics.
The Light Pult pouch has been specially designed to group baits tightly at short range and the elastics are noticeably softer than the original ‘pult. This makes it the perfect tool for feeding maggots, casters, pellets or particles up to 20 yards.
Following the launch of the original catapult, the development team identified a couple of areas that the catapult could be improved. They've also engineered these tweaks into the new Light Pult. Both catapults have new super-strong pegs supporting the elastics, making them both a lot more durable and the pouch grips have been improved to give more purchase in the wet.
Key Features;
• Five adjustable positions.
• Rotating pouch pegs, which eliminate tangles.
• New super-light pouch moulded for tight grouping.
• Up-rated heavy-duty pouch and frame pins.
Delivery time
We dispatch all orders within 24 hrs of receipt if possible (Monday to Friday).